Someday Bookshop Logo in Orange

"Someday, I'd love to open a bookshop. For the time being, I'm offering Bristol residents the chance to join a curated book subscription! As a member, you'll receive a new book (hand-wrapped & delivered by bicycle) in the first week of every month."- Ella

MarchOn Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous
MayDeath in Her Hands
JuneBody Kintsugi
JulyClose to Home
AugustEnter Ghost


Someday Bookshop Logo in Orange

Welcome to Someday Subscription!"You'll get a receipt via email, and your first book will arrive at the start of next month. I cannot wait to deliver your parcel! Thanks for supporting this project."- Ella

MarchOn Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous
MayDeath in Her Hands
JuneBody Kintsugi
JulyClose to Home
AugustEnter Ghost
